Project: Educational counselling to improve the quality of life for people 55+

Programme: Erasmus+

Action Type: KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education

Project No.: 2023-1-DE02-KA210-ADU-000127510

Objectives of the project

  • Developing an innovative service of non-vocational “educational counselling for people aged 55+”.
  • Development of “a Guide for adult education staff” in the field of educational counselling for people aged 55+.
  • Raising competences / knowledge by at least 6 Adult staff (3 each from partner organizations) in the field of adult education / educational counselling, thanks to the research phase and the exchange of good practices.
  • Providing educational counselling support to 10 participants 55+ during the testing phase (5 in each partner country).
  • Providing people aged 55+ with new opportunities for educational and personal development by expanding the educational offer of at least 4 entities (two from each partner country) with a new service of “educational counselling for people 55+”


  • Development of an educational counselling service for people aged 55+;
  • Development of a Guide for Staff;
  • Exchange of good practices and dissemination
  • Project management and implementation


A) An innovative service of non-vocational “educational counselling for people aged 55+”.

B) “A guide for adult education staff” with guidelines/recommendations on how to run the service and document templates.

C) Increasing knowledge and competences by at least 6 staff representatives from 2 partner institutions.

D) Increasing the staff and institutional potential of 2 partner institutions.

E) Expanding the offer in the field of non-professional educational counselling for adults (targeted at people aged 55+) in two partner countries.

Target groups

The main target groups of the project are:

1) Staff of partner institutions, at least 3 people from each institution; both management, administration and substantive staff (professional advisors, trainers, trainers, coaches, facilitators). Thanks to their involvement in the implementation of the project at some stage, these people will exchange good practices, acquire new knowledge and skills in the field of adult education – they will be potential users of the results in the future.

2) Adult learners aged 55+, minimum 10 people, 5 in each country – participating in the testing of educational counselling.

3) Adult education staff participating in counselling testing (testing with a client – a person 55+) – at least 2 people in the partner country.

4) Adult education staff from institutions that are not part of the consortium, both administrative and adult educators (e.g. trainers, lecturers, advisors, evaluators ) who will receive information about the project results – potential future users of the results.

5) All educational / training institutions / organizations providing educational and consulting services for adults (especially the ADULT sector, but not only), interested in implementing educational counselling for people 55+ to their offer, including U3As, senior clubs;

6) All adults, especially those aged 55+, who will be able to use the developed educational counselling service as listeners in the future.


Fundacja „Fundusz Inicjatyw” (Poland) a non-governmental organization dedicated to the promotion of the idea of lifelong learning, creating and providing conditions for the promotion and propagation of humanistic, pro-social, entrepreneurial and patriotic attitudes.

SCHWERPUNKT ZENTRUM GMBH – a German company located in Dusseldorf that organizes training in the areas of training and mobility, training in work centres, employability, professional training, entrepreneurship, and the development of digital and transversal competencies aimed at students and teachers from all over Europe.

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