The Generation Infinity Project: Enhancing digital skills, competencies & safety in European older adults & seniors!
Programme: Erasmus+
Action Type: KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education
Project Acronym: Gen-Infinity
Project Start Date: 01/12/2024
Project End Date: 31/05/2027
Project Number: 2024-1-BG01-KA220-ADU-000248972
The origins and rationale behind the Gen-Infinity project
Generation Infinity aims at providing seniors and older working adults with the necessary digital skills required to safely & efficiently navigate today’s digital reality. By offering modern classes and interactive activities in a supportive learning environment, the program will encourage seniors to become active participants in European digital life.
The project is inspired by the rapid progression of the 4th Industrial Revolution toward a fully digital society, where new innovations demand ongoing digital skills for individuals of all ages to stay engaged.
Recognizing that technological advancement have unintentionally widened the digital skills gap across generations, Generation Infinity embraces the concept of Active Aging, empowering people to take charge of their lives—both online and offline—and actively contribute to the economic and social life of European nations

Project objectives
The primary objective of the ‘Generation Infinity’ project is to teach older working adults and seniors the digital skills of today to help them avoid becoming vulnerable to digital exclusion.
Additionally, the project seeks to train the educators themselves on how to engage with seniors and amplify the absorption of knowledge through their teaching methods.
Detailed objectives:
To a tackle the challenge or bridging skill gaps and building a supportive learning environment, the project will use a three-pronged approach:

1. To holistically educate seniors on how to use modern tools in the digital landscape.

2. To augment their everyday life and enhance their digital security, while allowing opportunities for both younger and older adults to learn from each other.

3. To produce useful materials for trainers on effective methodologies for teaching seniors modern digital skills and competencies, focusing on both ‘what’ to teach and ‘how’ to teach it.
Target groups
The main target groups for the project are:
- Senior citizens over the age of 65, according to the European definition. This group is the most vulnerable in terms of lacking digital competencies and skills, as well as the main group experiencing digital exclusion.
According to preliminary research, this group is in particularly disadvantaged circumstances due to insufficient digital skills in the workplace, and could benefit from acquiring digital competencies on par with younger generations. - Trainers working with seniors and engaged in the senior education sector in general. This group of trainers is in need of modern, updated teaching methodologies for imparting knowledge to especially vulnerable groups such as senior citizens.
- Any individual, regardless of their background or age group, who wishes to become more confident in their digital skills.


- Preparing a detailed ‘Feasibility Report’ containing Gap Analysis & mapping the current situation, clarifying the challenges and requirements in senior digital learning, analyzing the gaps observed, and defining processes and methodology to be utilized in next steps.
- Developing a Country Case Studies booklet containing an analysis and aggregation of all data gathered in partner countries through surveys regarding how seniors use digital tools and services, as well as the difficulties observed.
- Developing a ‘Train the Trainers’ teaching framework for educators working with senior students containing guidelines and methodologies designed to enhance trainers’ ability to work with seniors and amplify the absorption of knowledge through their teaching methods.
- Hosting a Trainer Workshop in Italy, during which 15 educators & trainers will be trained in the innovative educational resources of the Trainers framework.
- Creating a ‘Gen-Infinity Digital Skills’ curriculum consisting of 8 main modules covering both theoretical and practical everyday concepts related to digital competencies, with an emphasis on practical components to aid seniors in efficiently applying their knowledge.
- Developing an interactive Gen-Infinity Digital Platform tailored to engage and educate seniors on modern digital skills & competencies of European society.

Project results

- Feasibility Report containing Gap Analysis.
- Country Case Studies Booklet.
- Train the Trainers teaching framework.
- Gen-Infinity Digital Skills curriculum.
- Gen-Infinity Digital Platform.
Municipality of Gotse Delchev (Bulgaria)
Fundacja “Fundusz Inicjatyw” (Poland)
Fondazione Università Adulti Anziani (Italy)
Ljudska univerza Celje (Slovenia)

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Human Resource
Development Centre (HRDC). Neither the European Union nor HRDC can be held responsible for them.