Education as a path to mental health
Education in later life is an excellent way to maintain mental health. Learning new things, like languages, technology, or developing artistic skills, stimulates the brain and enhances its plasticity. Intellectual activities, such as participating in courses or workshops, can reduce the risk of problems like dementia or depression. Keeping the mind active also fosters a sense of purpose and fulfillment, which positively impacts the overall well-being of older adults.

How can educators support people 55+?
Educators play a crucial role in the adult learning process, especially for those 55+! Senior education is not only about gaining new skills but also about providing emotional and motivational support. Teachers can help seniors navigate the digital world, develop hobbies, and build self-confidence. It’s important for lessons to be tailored to their pace and needs, fostering a sense of success and community. Regular learning also improves memory and concentration, enhancing the quality of life.

How to plan your educational path after the age of 55?
Planning your educational path after the age of 55 is a great way to stay mentally active, develop new skills and establish valuable social relationships. As part of the “Education for the Future” project, we support staff working with older people to help them create appropriate educational programs.
Here are some tips on how people 55+ can effectively plan their educational journey:
- Identify your goals: Think about what you want to learn and why. Is it to develop your passion, acquire new professional skills or maybe make new friends?
- Choose the right courses: Look for educational programs that match your interests and level of advancement. Make sure the courses offer support that will help you achieve your goals.
- Plan your time: Determine how much time you can devote to learning and create a schedule that will allow you to regularly attend classes.
- Use support: Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice. The training staff, thanks to the “Education for the Future” project, is trained to support seniors in their educational journey.
- Stay motivated: Remember that learning is a process. Enjoy small successes and be patient in pursuing your goals.
We invite you to follow our initiatives that help people over 55 to plan their educational path consciously and satisfactorily!

EduForFuture Partner Meeting in Lublin

Tips for Educators

Exchange of Best Practices in Adult Education

10 reasons why it is worth learning throughout your life!

Innovative Educational Counseling Service for Individuals Aged 55+
- Personal and professional development: Learning new things broadens our horizons and opens up new opportunities.
- Improved mental health: Learning stimulates the mind and helps maintain mental health.
- Social integration: Participating in courses and workshops helps build new connections and a sense of community.

It's Here!
We are thrilled to announce that the first final report for the project “Educational Counseling to Improve the Quality of Life for People 55+” is now available!
This report aims to analyse the educational needs of individuals aged 55 and older in Poland, Germany and Europe as a whole. The report will also identify and discuss good practices in education and educational counselling for this demographic group. The report will be part of a broader final report that will support the development of an appropriate programme of educational counselling for people aged 55+.
The activities include:
- Development of an educational counseling service
- Development of a guide for staff
- Exchange of good practices and dissemination
- Project management and implementation.
The project aims to:
- Develop an innovative service of non-vocational “educational counseling service for people 55+”.
- Create a “guide for adult education staff” with guidelines/recommendations on how to run the service and document templates.
- Increasing knowledge and competencies of at least 6 staff representatives from 3 partner institutions.
- Increasing the staff and institutional potential of 3 partner institutions.
- Expanding the offer in the field of non-professional educational counselling for adults (targeted at people aged 55+) in two partner countries.
Target groups:
Employees of partner institutions
Adult learners aged 55+
Adult education staff
Educational/training institutions
The final report can be read and downloaded free of charge on the Fundacja “Fundusz Inicjatyw” website: Raport Końcowy eduforfuture ENG – Fundacja “Fundusz Inicjatyw” (
We sincerely thank everyone involved and invite you to follow the ongoing activities of the project. For more information, please visit our website.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.