Total Health Resources for Improving Vitality and Endurance 50+

Programme: Erasmus+
Action Type: KA210-ADU – Small-scale partnerships in adult education
Project Start Date: 01/04/2024
Project End Date: 31/07/2025
Project Title: Total Health Resources for Improving Vitality and Endurance 50+
Project Number: 2023-2-RO01-KA210-ADU-000184831
Project Acronym: THRIVE50+


To enhance adult staff competencies and skills.

To support local adult learning centers.

To development of innovative educational materials.

To increase attendance in local community of adult 50+.

To promote the importance of well-being and mental health among learners 50+.


International trainings and dissemination activities.

Local workshops on diet and stress management for people 50+.

Project coordination.


2 international trainings for adult staff

10 topical workshops on healthy diet and stress managing among people 50+

30 local workshop sessions for at least 60 adults 50+

60 participants in at least 3 stationary dissemination activities


Academica Proiect (Romania) – Coordinator


Fundacja “Fundusz Inicjatyw” (Poland)  – Partner


Ecoinclusive Center for Innovation Ltd (Cyprus) – Partner




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