Project Archive
01.02.2009 – 31.08.2009
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.01.01
Co-founding: 282 472,00
EU co-founding: 240 101,20
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
30.06.2009 – 31.01.2010
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.01.01
Co-founding: 266 931,00
EU co-founding: 226891,35
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
01.08.2009 – 31.12.2009
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Co-founding: 190 580,00
EU co-founding: 161 993,00
73 Actions to increase participation in lifelong education and training, in particular through projects to reduce premature abandonment of enrolment and minimize discrimination based on sex and through actions to improve the quality of and access to education and training at primary, vocational and higher levels
01.09.2009 – 30.04.2010
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.01.01
Co-founding: 267 182.40
EU co-founding: 227 105,04
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
01.09.2009 – 31.03.2010
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.02.01
Co-founding: 252 071,00
EU co-founding: 214 260,35
74 Development of human potential in the field of research and innovation, in particular through postgraduate studies and training of researchers and through network cooperation between universities, research centres and enterprises
01.01.2010 – 31.07.2010
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.06.01.01
Co-founding: 298 890,00
EU co-founding: 254 056,50
66 Implementation of active and preventive labour market instruments
01.01.2010 – 31.08.2010
Voivodeship: Łódzkie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.02.01
Co-founding: 359 772,00
EU co-founding: 305 806,20
74 Development of human potential in the field of research and innovation, in particular through postgraduate studies and training of researchers and through network cooperation between universities, research centres and enterprises
01.02.2010 – 30.09.2010
Voivodeship: Mazowieckie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.06.01.01
Co-founding: 376 586,00
EU co-founding: 320 098,10
66 Implementation of active and preventive labour market instruments
01.02.2010 – 30.09.2010
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.01.02
Co-founding: 299 716,00
EU co-founding: 254 758,60
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
01.04.2010 – 31.12.2010
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.07.02.02
Co-founding: 292 315,00
EU co-founding: 248 467,75
68 Support for self-employment and business establishment
01.08.2010 – 30.11.2010
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Co-founding: 491 95.30
EU co-founding: 418 16,005
66 Implementation of active and preventive labour market instruments
01.09.2010 – 30.04.2011
Voivodeship: Łódzkie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.02.01
Co-founding: 395 040,00
EU co-founding: 335 784,00
74 Development of human potential in the field of research and innovation, in particular through postgraduate studies and training of researchers and through network cooperation between universities, research centres and enterprises
01.09.2010 – 30.04.2011
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Co-founding: 296 550,00
EU co-founding: 252 067,50
73 Actions to increase participation in lifelong education and training, in particular through projects to reduce premature abandonment of enrolment and minimize discrimination based on gender and through actions to improve quality and access to education and training at primary, vocational and higher levels
01.10.2010 – 30.04.2014
Voivodeship: Podkarpackie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.05.04.02
Co-founding: 703 107,00
EU co-founding: 597 640,95
81 Solutions to improve the quality of development, monitoring, evaluation of policies and programmes at national, regional and local level, strengthening capacity to implement policies and programmes
01.10.2010 – 31.10.2011
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.06.01.01
Co-founding: 937 394,00
EU co-founding: 796 784,90
66 Implementation of active and preventive labour market instruments
01.05.2011 – 29.02.2012
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.01.01
Co-founding: 405 022,00
EU co-founding: 344 268,70
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
01.11.2011 – 31.12.2012
Voivodeship: Lubelskie, Łódzkie, Mazowieckie, Podkarpackie, Świętokrzyskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.02.01.01
Co-founding: 144 664,00
EU co-founding: 122 964,40
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
01.03.2012 – 31.03.2013
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.01.01
Co-founding: 777 310,00
EU co-founding: 66 0713,50
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
02.03.2012 – 30.11.2012
Voivodeship: Świętokrzyskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.02.01
Co-founding: 344 366,00
EU co-founding: 292 711,10
74 Development of human potential in the field of research and innovation, in particular through postgraduate studies and training and through network cooperation between universities, research centers and enterprises
01.10.2012 – 30.09.2013
Voivodeship: Mazovia
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.01.02
Co-founding: 486 387,96
EU co-founding: 413 429,766
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
01.01.2013 – 31.07.2014
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.01.01
Co-founding: 917 418,17
EU co-founding: 779 805,4445
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
01.03.2013 – 30.06.2015
Voivodeship: Mazovia
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.08.01.01
Co-founding: 1 846 605,00
EU co-founding: 1 569 614,25
62 Development of lifelong learning systems and strategies in enterprises; training and services to increase the adaptability of employees to change; promoting entrepreneurship and innovation
01.10.2013 – 31.05.2015
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.07.02.01
Co-founding: 1 078 898,40
EU co-founding: 917 063,64
69 Actions to increase the sustainable participation of women in employment and their professional development in the perspective of reducing gender discrimination on the labour market and better reconciliation of work and private life, and in particular greater access to care and education services for children and dependent persons
02.10.2013 – 28.02.2015
Voivodeship: Świętokrzyskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.06.01.01
Co-founding: 504 692,00
EU co-founding: 428 9 88,20
66 Implementation of active and preventive labour market instruments
01.05.2014 – 30.06.2015
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.07.02.01
Co-founding: 1 417 092,20
EU co-founding: 1 2045 28,37
66 Implementation of active and preventive labour market instruments
15.02.2015 – 14.12.2015
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Operational Programme Human Capital
Action (code): POKL.07.02.01
Co-founding: 1 358 767,32
EU co-founding: 1 154 952,222
66 Implementation of active and preventive labour market instruments
01.02.2017 – 31.01.2018
The main objective of the project is the professional activation of 60 unemployed or economically inactive women, aged 30 and over, residing within the meaning of the Civil Code in the Lublin Voivodeship. The target group will include at least 2 people with disabilities and at least 80% (48 people) of the unemployed, including: 1. min 15% (8 people) leaving agriculture (farmers and their family members, running an individual farm up to 2 hectares); 2. min 60 % (29 people) of the long-term unemployed. The headline target will be achieved by 30.04.2017. Each of the persons participating in the project will be covered by a comprehensive vocational activation program including individual and group career guidance, job placement, training and a 3-month professional internship. The project aims to achieve employment efficiency at the following levels: unemployed – 45%; Long-term unemployed – 28%; economically inactive – 30%; Disabled wasps 24%; Wasps leaving agriculture – 22%.
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Fund: EFS
Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020
Priority: Labour market
Action: Vocational activation
Project value: 976 537,50
Eu funding level: 85%
Project support area:
102 Access to employment for jobseekers and economically inactive people, including the long-term unemployed and those far from the labour market, through local employment initiatives and support for labour mobility
Project objective:
08 Promoting sustainable and quality employment and supporting labour mobility
Complementary objective:
07 Gender equality
01.09.2016 – 30.06.2017
The general objective of the project is to improve access to taking up and maintaining employment for 50 people dismissed for reasons related to the workplace in the period not longer than 6 months before joining the project, residing in the Lublin Voivodeship, belonging to one of the groups: 1) people over 50 years of age, 2) people with low qualifications according to ISCED levels, 3) people with disabilities, 4) unemployed people, 5) economically inactive people and 6) people from rural areas. As part of the project, participants will be covered by 4 forms of support, i.e. individual and group career guidance, job placement, vocational training and 3 or 4-month professional internships with selected employers. As part of the project, products will be developed: 160 teaching hours of GPZ, 300 IPZ clock hours, including 50 Developed Individual Action Plans, 200 job placement clock hours, 900 teaching hours of training classes and 50 3 or 4-month professional internships. The project will enable participants to supplement or acquire new professional qualifications and increase their employment opportunities.
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Fund: EFS
Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020
Priority: Adaptability of enterprises and employees to change
Action: Outplacement programmes
Project value: 933 712,50
Level of EU funding: 85%
Project support area:
106 Adaptation of employees, enterprises and entrepreneurs to change
Project objective:
08 Promotion of sustainable and high-quality employment and support for labour mobility
Complementary objective:
06 Non-discrimination
01.05.2017 – 31.12.2017
The target group of the project will be 50 people with disabilities (light and moderate degree). These will be: 1. people at risk of poverty or social exclusion;2. from the Area of the Lublin Voivodeship (living in the Lublin Voivodeship within the meaning of the Provisions of the Civil Code); 3. Among the participants of the project will be residents of at least two municipalities, in the area of kt. the percentage of people receiving social assistance benefits due to poverty is higher than the average for the Lubelskie Voivodeship; 4. With at least secondary education (for glass. HR & Payroll and Web Design). Forms of support for participants/ check: 1. Training of competences and social skills – 32 hours dyd/gr – 4 days of 8 hours of classes. 2. Psychological counseling (2 clock hours/person) – 1 meeting; 3. Individual specialist counselling (legal/civic) – 2 hours zeg/person – 1 spotk.; 4. Individual career counseling – IPD (3 clock hours/person) – 2 meetings; 5. Group career counseling – 32 hours dyd/gr – 4 days of classes; 6. Job placement; 7. Vocational training – 180 hours dyd/gr, average 6-8 hours/day, approx. 23 days of classes; 8. Professional internship – 3 months/person.
Voivodeship: Lubelskie
Fund: EFS
Regional Operational Programme of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020
Priority: Social inclusion
Action: Active inclusion
Project value: 908 437,50
Eu funding level: 85%
Project support area:
109 Active inclusion, including to promote equal opportunities and active participation, and increase employability
Project objective:
09 Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty and any discrimination
Complementary objective:
06 Non-discrimination